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MLM Blogging For Beginners - Why Blogs Are Important If You're Marketing on the Internet

By Chris Hopkins

My pet and most powerful marketing strategy is article marketing. I use it to generate more leads online than any other strategy, but I haven't always had the triumph with it I enjoy today.To be successful with article marketing you need to use it synergistically with a blog. When I first started marketing I thought blogging was a waste of time, today I stand corrected

Here's why you need a blog. This is the first powerful lesson I learned about the power of a blog.

When I first started marketing online I spent days developing a website then got about the task of creating meaningful content. I literally went into a flurry of activity creating any type of content i could think of, articles, videos, photos thinking the more I posted the quicker my site would get indexed in the search engines.. Every morning I would get up and complete a Google search to see if my site was getting indexed and every morning I would end up disappointed. How am I supposed to get traffic if I cannot get listed in Google.

It was literally taking days for my content to get indexed by Google. Even when I finally got indexed it was still taking up to a month before my content began to rank and even then I was only getting as high as Google page 4 or 5 and this just wasn't good enough. It seemed no matter what I did I just couldn't get listed fast and was starting to become really frustrated.

I was so frustrated that I was almost n the point of giving up when I bumped into an online marketing acquaintance of mine I told him about my search engine listing problem and he told me to put my content on a blog. He then dropped the bombshell and said "you know my blog gets listed and ranked by the search engines in under 15 minutes". My jaw dropped in amazement.

In short he basically said, if you don't believe me come round tonight and I will show you. So anyway that night I went over to his house and plonked myself in front of his computer as he walked me through it. Here's what happened, he showed me that his was using a WordPress blog as these have an automatic search engine ping built in. He posted an article to his blog, we honestly waited less than five minutes then did a search. Bang there was the listing of his new blog article. Not only was it already showing on Google, it was ranking on page 2.

Enthralled by what I saw I raced home and immediately registered a domain name and set up a self-hosted word press blog. I did my first post and because I was so excited started checking instantly. I looked after 2 minutes after 4 and then at 7 minutes, there it was indexed on Google. Since then I have been using a blog as the hub of my business rather than a website and I'm getting indexed faster and getting more traffic than I ever imagined possible.

The message of this story is Google loves blogs, so If you want to get your content discovered online get blogging immediately


About the Author:

Want to learn more about Blogging and how you can use blogging to generate 100's of free leads for your MLM opportunity follow the link to get instant free access to this awesome training. Marketing Training




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